

[1] Vaccination with a cocktail vaccine elicits significant protection against Sarcoptes scabiei in rabbits, whereas the multi-epitope vaccine offers limited protection

[2] Artificial Infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei (Acari: Sarcoptidae) in Rabbits Exhibits Progressive Pathological Changes, Apoptosis, and Keratinization in the Skin

[3] Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Psoroptes ovis: Molecular Characterization and Potential Role in Eosinophil Accumulation of Skin in Rabbit and Its Implication in the Host-Parasite Interaction

[4] 绵羊痒螨重组精氨酸激酶诱导兔皮肤嗜酸性粒细胞的聚集

[5] Development of the first PCR for detection of Psoroptes ovis var. cuniculi infection and its comparison to microscopic examination and serological assay in rabbits

[6] Characterization of a novel galectin in Sarcoptes scabiei and its role in regulating macrophage functions

[7] 疥螨eIF4E和UPP基因的克隆表达及免疫鉴定


[1]Comparative analysis of the allergenic characteristics and serodiagnostic potential of recombinant chitinase-like protein-5 and -12 from Sarcoptes scabiei

[2] Molecular characterization of four novel serpins in Psoroptes ovis var. cuniculi and their implications in the host-parasite interaction


[1] Metarhizium anisopliae CQMa128 regulates antioxidant/detoxification enzymes and exerts acaricidal activity against Psoroptes ovis var. cuniculi in rabbits: A preliminary study

[2] An Antibody Persistent and Protective Two rSsCLP-Based Subunit Cocktail Vaccine against Sarcoptes scabiei in a Rabbit Model

[3] Molecular characterization and serodiagnostic potential of two serpin proteins in Psoroptes ovis var. cuniculi

[4] 新型广谱高效异噁唑啉类杀虫剂——Afoxolaner.


[1] eauveria l effective biological agent against Psoroptes ovis var. cuni痒螨诱导宿主免疫应答研究进展

[6] 基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶b(cytb)全基因序列分析我国部分地区兔痒螨的遗传变异特征

[7] Expression and characterisation of a Sarcoptes scabiei protein tyrosine kinase as a potential antigen for scabies diagnosis

[8] Molecular characteristics and serodiagnostic potential of chitinase-like protein from Sarcoptes scabiei

[9] Identification of a novel PYP-1 gene in Sarcoptes scabiei and its potential as a serodiagnostic candidate by indirect-ELISA


[1] Characterization of Sarcoptes scabies cofilin gene and assessment of recombinant cofilin protein as an antigen in indirect-ELISA for diagnosis

[2] Preliminary analysis of Psoroptes ovis transcriptome in different developmental stages 


[1] 痒螨抗原研究进展


[1] Evaluating troponin C from Psoroptes cuniculi as a diagnostic antigen for a dot-ELISA assay to diagnose mite infestations in rabbits

[2] Acaricidal activity of petroleum ether extracts from Eupatorium adenophorum against the ectoparasitic cattle mite, Chorioptes texanus

[3] Acaricidal properties of an Ailanthus altissima bark extract against Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei var.cuniculi in vitro

[4]  Isolation and identification of acaricidal compounds in Eupatorium adenophorum petroleum ether extract and determination of their acaricidal activity against Psoroptes cuniculi

[5] Immune response induced by candidate Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi DNA vaccine encoding paramyosin in mice

[6] The complete mitochondrial genome of the scab mite Psoroptes cuniculi (Arthropoda: Arachnida) provides insights into Acari phylogeny

[7] 疥螨虫体蛋白的小鼠免疫效应分析


[1] Vaccination with recombinant actin from scab mites and evaluation of its protective efficacy against Psoroptes cuniculi infection

[2] Clinical efficacy of botanical extracts from Eupatorium adenophorum against the scab mite, Psoroptes cuniculi

[3] Clinical efficacy of botanical extracts from Eupatorium adenophorum against the Sarcoptes scabiei (Sarcoptidae: Sarcoptes) in rabbits

[4] Characterisation and analysis of thioredoxin peroxidase as a potential antigen for the serodiagnosis of sarcoptic mange in rabbits by dot-ELISA

[5] Evaluation acaricidal efficacy of botanical extract from Eupatorium adenophorum against the hard tick Haemaphysalis longicornis (Acari: Ixodidae)


[1] Acaricidal activity of extract from Eupatorium adenophorum against the Psoroptes cuniculi and Sarcoptes scabiei in vitro

[2] Characterization and evaluation of a Sarcoptes scabiei allergen as a candidate vaccine

[3] Molecular taxonomic relationships of Psoroptes and Chorioptes mites from China based on COI and 18S rDNA gene sequences

[4] 疥螨副肌球蛋白免疫苗在小鼠体内的分布和安全性分析


[1] Haemaphysalis concinna (Acari: Ixodida): persistent efficacy of selamectin in     Angora   rabbits under laboratory conditions

[2]  Cloning, expression and evaluation of the efficacy of a recombinant Haemaphysalis concinna Hc-23 antigen in rabbits


[1]  嗜群血蜱和长角血蜱ITS-2、CO1和CO2基因序列变异与亲缘关系分析


[1] 鸡突变膝螨的形态和离体存活力及致病性研究

[2] 11株螨虫分离株的ITS-2序列分析与系统关系研究

[3] 基于线粒体细胞色素氧化酶Ⅰ(COⅠ)序列的猪和兔四个疥螨分离株的系统发育关系分析

[4] 检测兔疥螨抗体方法的建立和应用.动物医学进展

[5] 长效伊维菌素注射液对兔痒螨病的治疗效果及兔场净化效果观察

[6] 实验室条件下嗜群血蜱的生物学特性研究.畜牧兽医学报

[7] Haemaphysalis concinna (Acari: Ixodida): Persistent efficacy of doramectin in rabbits under laboratory conditions


[1] 德州足螨副肌球蛋白基因的克隆与序列分析

[2] 水牛痒螨和兔痒螨第二转录间隔区(ITS-2)基因序列分析

[3]  A study on the genetic relationship of mites in the genus Sarcoptes (Acari: Sarcoptidae) in   China    

[4] 长角血蜱保护性抗原基因P27/30的克隆和原核表达


[1] 不同温度和pH对离体兔疥螨存活力的影响

[2] 孤雌生殖长角血蜱各虫期形态的扫描电镜观察

[3] 疥螨的免疫学与分子生物学研究进展


[1] 兔螨净等3种杀虫药物对离体兔痒螨的杀灭试验

[2] 黄牛足螨的形态学观察

[3] 三种杀螨药对离体兔疥螨的杀灭试验

[4] 动物痒螨病的免疫学研究进展

[5] 水牛痒螨和兔痒螨的形态学观察


[1] 动物痒螨病研究进展

[2] 疥螨与疥螨病研究进展


[1] 复合酚等6种消毒杀虫药物对地螨的杀灭试验


[1] 佳灵三特-CA对大熊猫食皮螨病的治疗试验


[1] 九寨沟自然保护区苏门羚群发性疥螨病的调查