Characterisation and analysis of thioredoxin peroxidase as a potential antigen for the serodiagnosis of sarcoptic mange in rabbits by dot-ELISA
Zhang R, Zheng W, Wu X, Jise Q, Ren Y, Nong X, Gu X, Wang S, Peng X, Lai S, Yang G.
BACKGROUND:Scabies caused bySarcoptes scabieiis a widespread but a neglected tropical zoonosis. In this study, we characterised aS. scabieithioredoxinperoxidase(SsTPx) and evaluated a recombinant SsTPx as a diagnosticantigeninrabbits.
METHODS:The open reading frame of the gene encoding SsTPx-2 was amplified and the recombinant protein was expressed in Escherichia coli cells and purified. SsTPx was localized in mite tissue by immunolocalisation using the purified recombinant protein.Serodiagnosisassays were carried out in 203 New Zealand White rabbit serum samples bydot-ELISA.
RESULT:The open reading frame (489 bp) of the gene encodes an 18.11 kDa protein, which showed highly homology to that ofPsoroptes cuniculi(98.77% identity) and belongs to the 2-Cys family of peroxiredoxins. SsTPx was mainly distributed in muscle tissues of mites, integument of the epidermis and the anterior end ofS. scabiei. Although SsTPx cross-reactivity with psoroptic mites was observed, the SsTPxdot-ELISAshowed excellent diagnostic ability, with 95.3% sensitivity and 93.8% specificity inmange-infected and uninfected groups.
CONCLUSIONS:This study showed that the purified SsTPx is a highly sensitiveantigenfor the diagnosis ofmangeinfection bydot-ELISA. This technique is a rapid and convenient method that can be used worldwide for the clinical diagnosis ofsarcopticmangeinrabbits, and is especially useful in developing regions.
BMC Infect Dis.2013 Jul 22;13(1):336. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-336.
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