Expression and immunolocalisation of TpFABP as a candidate antigen for the serodiagnosis of rabbitTaenia pisiformiscysticercosis
Yang D, Chen L, Xie Y, Wu X, Nong X, Peng X, Lai W, Gu X, Wang S, Peng X, Yang G.
The larval stage ofTaeniapisiformis, also known as Cysticercuspisiformis, is the causative agent ofcysticercosisand the cause of severe health problems in rabbits that negatively impacts on husbandry production. To date, there is no fast detection method to identify early infections in rabbits. In the present study, a new dot-ELISA-based on an endogenousantigenfatty acid-binding protein (FABP) was developed for the detection ofcysticercosis, and its potential was then evaluated using test serum samples.Immunolocalisationshowed thatT.pisiformisFABP(TpFABP) localised to the parenchyma of the bladder wall of the cysticercus and perinuclear cytoplasm of parenchyma of the adult parasite. After cloning andexpression, recombinantTpFABP(rTpFABP) protein was used forserodiagnosisofT.pisiformisinfection in rabbits by dot-ELISA. The antibody was detected 14 days post-infection in rabbits experimentally infected withT.pisiformis. Based on the necropsy results, the sensitivity and specificity of 169 serum samples tested by rTpFABP dot-ELISA were found to be 98.2% (54/55) and 92.1% (105/114), respectively. These data suggest that the dot-ELISA developed in this study has potential for detection ofT.pisiformisinfection in rabbits.
Copyright ©D. Yang et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2013.
Parasite.2013;20:53. Epub 2013 Dec 12.
Read full text:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3859029/